1 Landlord Reference | https://wordpress.cpmblackpool.co.uk

Please use the following form to provide us with a reference for a tenant that wishes to rent a property from us.

Landlord Reference

Please use this form to provide us with a basic landlord reference, for a tenant who has applied for one of our properties.

  • Please give your, title, first and last name
  • Please state in which capacity you give this reference
  • Please enter the full address of the property the tenant is currently renting from you.
  • Please state the type of tenancy in place
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Has the tenant served notice as per your agreement
  • What notice is required to quit as per your agreement.
  • Is rent paid weekly, monthly, fortnightly etc
  • If known please state of any reasons you know of for the tenant wishing to move
  • Please state yes or no, if yes give details
  • Please state yes or no, and details if yes
  • please state yes or no, details if yes
  • please state yes or no, if no give details
    Warning - If you deliberately provide false information in response to this request you may be guilty of Fraud under The Fraud Act (2006) which carries a maximum penalty of 12 months imprisonment, or of Forgery under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act (1981) which carries a maximum penalty of 2 years imprisonment, we will carry out land registry and other checks to confirm ownership of the previous address.