1 Gaurantor | https://wordpress.cpmblackpool.co.uk

Please use the following form if you wish to act as guarantor for a tenant wishing to rent a property with us.

Guarantor Details

If you have agreed to guarantor a tenant to secure a property with us please complete this form.

"*" indicates required fields

Please state weather the guarantor, or prospective tenant is completing this form.
Please state which property you are agreeing to be a guarantor to, please ask the prospective tenant for this information.
Please download Government 'How To Rent Booklet' and tick here to confirm you have reviewed it.*
Please copy and paste into web browser to download. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/720041/How_to_Rent_Final_Jun2018.pdf
Tenant Name*
Your Name (guarantor)*
Are you currently a student?*
Are you currently employed*
Please enter the weekly/monthly rent of the applicant to who you will guarantor
Please enter how much your current mortgage/rent payments are. If nil put NIL
Please enter a rough balance of your current mortgage, if rented or no mortgage leave blank.
I understand My Financial Commitment*
Confirm you understand that if you are successful as a guarantor for this property, you will be responsible for any unpaid rent, and or damages during the tenancy.
Credit Worthiness*
Please input full name.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of Signing