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Condensation is Typically caused by the tenant but can be exacerbated by poor ventilation, condensation can lead to black mould, which is harmful to health and difficult to eradicate. Ironically, it is often improvements in heating and insulation which lead to excessive condensation. In airtight properties, any moisture which is created will condense on the coldest available surface, and when double-glazing has been installed, that would be in the interior of an external wall.
What causes condensation?
Anything which creates moisture indoors could lead to condensation. This includes, bathing, showering, washing clothes, drying clothes, ironing, cooking – and even breathing. Sadly, tenants are not always aware that their day to day activities are storing up problems for themselves and the property they live in.
Smaller homes are particularly prone to condensation as, generally, these are more intensively occupied. The residents will generate the same amount of moisture as those living in larger homes, but that moisture is confined to a smaller area. However, a few simple measures could see a resolution to any condensation issues. Here’s four steps to reducing condensation in residential property:
  • Improve ventilation
While a variety of activities generate excessive moisture in homes, condensation is usually the result of insufficient ventilation. It is crucial that all windows are opened.
  • Increase mechanical ventilation
Make sure extractor fans are not turned off or blocked
  • Reduce cold spots
If there are problem areas in a property where mould has started to appear, condensation can be tackled by increasing the heat in these areas. This will eradicate the cold spots, but such measures will only be effective if undertaken in conjunction with enhanced ventilation, as the problem will otherwise occur elsewhere in the home.
 Act responsibly
Most properties have adequate means to ventilate a property so please use them.
Other preventative measures include placing lids on saucepans, drying clothes outside and using a tumble dryer which vents externally.